A pictorial Diary of ongoing work at Sallerton Wood

Volunteer Conservation Day ~ 14 February 2025

Huge thanks to Mike and Phil today for braving the wintry weather. Lots of brambles cleared around the young chestnuts using slashers and sickles and then they coppiced some right down to the base in the hope they will regrow, following naughty squirrel 🐿️ damage last year. When a squirrel takes the bark off all the way around the tree (called ring-barking), it dies. The squirrels took a liking to our young wych elms and chestnuts and many have sadly died as a result. They may just grow back after coppicing. Definitely worth a try.

Path up through the woods.
Squirrel damage in the Chestnut plantation.

Working in the Chestnut plantation.

February 2025

Tom (Andy & Jane's son) making his first item of greenwood furniture.

Tom's completed stool, made from Sallerton Wood green Hazel.

A new firewood saw-horse and the beginnings of a new logstack.

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